Kirollus doesn’t really fit the mould – you’d think for a DJ with an affinity for music way before his time would have grown up in a musical household, however this was not the case and through sheer passion and dedication he’s managed to quickly earn the respect of his peers and forefront figures in the global funk and boogie scene. In 2014 a desire to dig deeper led him to buy a Technics 1200 and seek out vinyl wherever he could find it. This soon led him to discover the funk, soul & jazz treasure trove Uptight records in Hove. While working there for over 6 years he quickly accumulated over 4,000 individually selected records covering a plethora of styles including lovers rock, hip hop, UKG, house and hardcore. To Kirollus DJing is about bringing joy, unity and evoking lasting emotions and hopefully euphoria through the magic of music. This passion and a desire to share music during lockdown has led him to create the mix series Forty Minutes of Funk which has quickly grown to become a go-to source for DJs and fans of the music alike.